The Colorado Springs office will be closed Tuesday, December 10 due to weather
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FSL Holiday Party (COS)

Manitou Springs Memorial Hall, 606 Manitou Ave, Manitou Springs, CO Family and friends are invited to join us. Please bring your favorite dish to share!

LGBT+ Support Group (COS)

A safe space for LGBTQIA2+individuals and allies with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to meet, share, learn, and support each other. Meetups are free and take place every second Monday of the month from 4:30pm-6:30pm at 1879 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado…

LGBT+ Support Group (COS)

A safe space for LGBTQIA2+individuals and allies with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to meet, share, learn, and support each other. Meetups are free and take place every second Monday of the month from 4:30pm-6:30pm at 1879 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado…

Life Skills Webinar Series- Free

Conversation and Social Skills February 6th, 3:00-4:00 pm All webinars are free and geared towards teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Email Jessica Highstreet at to register. FSL is hosting life skills webinars every Monday in February.…

Life Skills Webinar Series- Free

Using Money and Budgeting February 13th, 3:00-4:00 pm All webinars are free and geared towards teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Email Jessica Highstreet at to register. FSL is hosting life skills webinars every Monday in February.…

LGBT+ Support Group (COS)

A safe space for LGBTQIA2+individuals and allies with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to meet, share, learn, and support each other. Meetups are free and take place every second Monday of the month from 4:30pm-6:30pm at 1879 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado…

Closed-Snow Day

FSL will be closed Wednesday 2/15/23 due to inclement weather

Closed-Snow Day

FSL will be closed Thursday 2/16/23 due to inclement weather

Life Skills Webinar Series- Free

Home and Community Safety February 20th, 3:00-4:00 pm All webinars are free and geared towards teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Email Jessica Highstreet at to register. FSL is hosting life skills webinars every Monday in February.…

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