The Colorado Springs office will be closed Tuesday, December 10 due to weather
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Live a life you never dreamed you could.

We empower our clients and their families to strive for their highest potential, pursue their passions, and live lives they never dreamed possible.

FSL empowers individuals with disabilities to discover their passions, participate in their communities, live their unique purpose, and move toward independence and freedom.


Waiver Programs

In a joyful and creative environment we provide opportunities for individuals to discover their passions, contribute to their communities, and live their unique purpose.

Transition Services

The Transition Program creates new opportunities and experiences to progress students from a school-based educational program to a community based learning environment.

Specialty Courses

Specialty courses focus on topics that are important and not always available in a formal classroom setting. Curriculum is tailored to the I/DD community to accommodate people on all different learning levels.

Live a life you never thought possible.

By cultivating personal relationships, creating meaningful opportunities, and providing individual support, we empower our clients and their families to live lives they never dreamed possible.

FSL Clients

At FSL, our clients want to live their higher purpose and create a life of possibilities.

As partners in their growth, we meet our clients where they are, empower them to strive for their highest potential, and show them they can do things they never dreamed they could.

FSL Families

Families with developmentally disabled members want their loved ones to gain independence and freedom.

By cultivating personal relationships and providing meaningful opportunities, FSL encourages individuals to discover their passions, live their purpose, and create a life of possibilities.

Community Engagement

Communities are at their best when all members feel valued and contribute in meaningful ways.

We create meaningful volunteer opportunities and experiences that enhance the lives of our clients and allow them to give back to their community. Our clients contribute approximately 11,200 volunteer hours to the community each year.

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