Navigating different types of relationships can cause frustration and anxiety. Foundation for Successful Living’s Healthy Relationship classes help individuals learn how to process the emotions that they are feeling and learn valuable information about relationships, sexuality, and dating in a way that will make sense in their lives.
Class curriculum is geared towards individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our goal is teach our community how to have safe, healthy, and consensual relationships.
Upcoming Classes-Colorado Springs
April 14th-June 25th
(No class on May 26th or June 2nd & 4th)
1879 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Contact Alexa Brown to register
Program Cost: This course can be funded through the HCBS SLS or DD waivers. The private pay cost is $350.00.

Course Content
Healthy Relationships:
- Different Types of Relationships
- Public vs. Private
- Friendship
- Communication
- Online Safety & Phone Etiquette
- Decision Making
- Anatomy
- Sexual Feelings, Attractions and Acts
- Communication About Sex
- Decision Making About Sex & Challenges
- Avoiding Pregnancy & STIs
- Moving from Friend to Partner/Sweetheart
- Many Roads to Relationships
- Being in A Relationship
- Has Your Relationship Gone Bad?
FSL Digital Flyers
Please note that while all information shared in the class is kept confidential, we are mandated reporters. If we are informed of any abuse that was not previously reported, we are required by law to report the abuse to both the Police Department and Adult Protective Services.